Have you ever found yourself hating a television character? You may have felt a mixture of emotions such as anger, frustration, or even disgust towards some characters. There are certain characters on television that generate little empathy and, despite being popular, fail to win the affection of the public.
Some of the factors that contribute to the unpopularity of these characters include their erratic behavior, selfish decisions, lack of empathy, immature behavior, and poor personality.
These kinds of characters often spark controversy and discussion on social media, and it's common to see debates over who are the most hateful characters on television.
Below we leave you a list of some of the television characters that generate the greatest antipathy for us.
Rachel from glee
This person played by Lea Michele, is undoubtedly a figure that generated great polarization among the public. Although her personality is not without originality, her behavior can be annoying, especially at the beginning of the series. Rachel comes across as a selfish and conceited person, who believes that her musical talent makes her superior to others, and she doesn't care how this affects the people around her. This attitude can make her difficult to empathize with, and some viewers may find it irritating.
As the series progresses, the character begins to show signs of maturity and humility. Although she remains ambitious and self-assured, she learns to value her friends and peers and to be more considerate of them. Despite these changes, she did not manage to be a beloved character in the series, as her initial attitude left a bad impression among some viewers.

Owen from Grey's Anatomy
Although she initially presented herself as a compassionate and sensitive doctor, her behavior generated mixed opinions among fans. Many see him as a controlling and violent character who tries to impose his ideas and desires on others, even in personal situations.
One of the character's most controversial moments was when he cheated on her wife Cristina Yang, which led him to lose her trust and have to fight to win it back. Also, Owen has had several moments of pure anger in the series, in which he seems like he always thinks he's right and is unwilling to listen to other opinions.
In addition, the public considers that his controlling and violent behaviors are not justifiable and they see him as a character with little empathy with others.

Jess from New Girl
The character, played by Zooey Deschanel, is portrayed as an eccentric and sometimes clumsy girl trying to find her place in the world after a difficult breakup. Some of the problems she has throughout the series is that Jess's personality can be a bit one dimensional and her approach to adult problems is completely childish.
Plus Jess's character gets bogged down in her troubles and doesn't show much development over the seasons. Although her personality is charming, at times in the series she can be a bit irritating.

Piper from Orange Is the New Black
In a series full of complex and interesting characters, Piper is the simplest of all due to her lack of empathy and her selfish behavior, which becomes inconsiderate towards the other characters. She also becomes too predictable in her actions.
It's important to mention that Piper's lack of empathy was an intentional aspect of the story, and that her white privilege was explored effectively throughout the series, but despite that she's someone you just can't connect with, as her personality does not allow her to connect with her.

Clay from 13 Reasons Why
Clay is a character with whom you can hardly feel any empathy due to his erratic behavior and since he is emotionally unstable, a fact that made him little liked among the viewers.
In the series, he can be seen constantly pressuring Jessica to reveal her story, risking her friend Tony without thinking of the consequences, and getting mad at Hannah for losing her virginity.
To make her attitude even more serious, in a critical situation, she prevents her friends from accusing Tyler to the police. All this shows that he has a selfish and irresponsible behavior that can become toxic, a fact that makes it difficult for viewers to have empathy towards him.

Peter from Family Guy
Peter is a rather peculiar and eccentric character who shows hateful behavior, with little consideration and little tolerable towards his wife, children and friends. He also becomes very violent and abusive towards Lois, reflecting a rather toxic personality.
In addition, his way of dealing with situations becomes a very serious problem, since he thinks about the consequences of his actions before carrying them out. He has caused irreparable damage, not only to his loved ones but also to the city of Quahog.
And if that wasn't enough, he always puts his daughter Meg down with hurtful, sexist or hateful comments.

Dawson of Dawson's Creek
If you became a fan of the Dawson's Creek series, you surely know who Dawson Leery is, the protagonist. However, he is not the most loved character by viewers. Actually, he is considered by many to be immature, arrogant and even macho on certain occasions.
Despite the fact that at first it seemed to be Joey's love, the relationship did not prosper and she ended up with her friend Pacey of hers. From there, Dawson became somewhat of a whiny, movie-obsessed character, but in a childish and immature way.
At various points in the series he was shown to be condescending and obsessed with sex. We remember how he treated Jen for not being a virgin. He's definitely not the typical teenager you'd want to share high school with.

Dan from Gossip Girl
Despite the fact that Dan is one of the protagonists of the series, we must admit that his personality leaves a lot to be desired. Some fans have pointed out that his manipulative behavior and his hypocritical attitude towards his friends and family make him hard to bear.
Dan also has a tendency to hurt the important people in his life, especially through his blog, which can be quite selfish. Although it is true that his character evolves throughout the series, and in the end he tries to correct his mistakes, there are moments in which his actions are difficult to forgive.

Michael from The Office
Michael is a character who has been praised for his humor and charisma, however, his immature and unprofessional behavior often caused trouble in the office. His inappropriate jokes, his practical jokes and his lack of tact made him inappropriate for the job.
In addition, he often made impulsive and ill-considered decisions that could have negative consequences for the company. Although in the series he was forgiven because he was the main character, in real life it is very likely that his behavior would have ended in his dismissal.

Emily from Friends
Emily Waltham is a character that Friends fans never liked due to her manipulative and selfish behavior. Although she became Ross's love interest, her relationship was affected by her lack of trust and her insistence that Ross cut off all contact with Rachel.
It's also frustrating to see how Emily handled her wedding to Ross, running away after Ross named Rachel during the ceremony. Additionally, Emily's British accent may have been distracting to some viewers.
The way Emily treated Ross and the lack of chemistry between the two characters were some of the factors why fans of the series disliked this character.

Skyler White from Breaking Bad
Skyler is one of the most hated characters in the Breaking Bad series. Skyler is seen by many fans as an insufferable bitterness who tries to control her husband, Walter White, in his drug deal and in her life in general.
Throughout the series, Skyler becomes an authority figure who often comes into conflict with Walter, making it increasingly difficult to empathize with her.
Despite the fact that her character was intended to humanize Walter, Skyler often gets in the way of the plot and seems to add little more than tension and frustration.
We in no way belittle the work that Anna Gunn did with the character, as she managed to play Skyler in an excellent way, but the character itself was insufferable.

Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones
Joffrey was insufferably immature, pushy, and dangerous. From the first appearance of him in the series, fans hated him. When Joffrey took the throne of King's Landing with the protection and excuses of his mother Cersei Lannister, his reign of terror left no prisoners.
He was responsible for one of the most shocking moments of the first season of the series, the beheading, and also for the continued torture of Sansa Stark, one of the fan-favorite characters. It will not surprise you that many tell you that Joffrey is the most hated character in the series.

Andy Bernard from The Office
If you're a fan of The Office, you might be surprised to find Andy Bernard on this list. At first, his insecurity and obsession with Cornell was amusing, but as the series progressed, his personality became more and more obnoxious.
In the final season, many fans found him unlikable and contrived in his constant attempt to be lovable, leading to widespread dislike of his character.
And it's not easy to fall badly in that group of people, so Andy Bernard really earned his place on this list of most hated characters. Although it is fair to recognize that he left us some great phrases that we will never forget.

Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother
Although the plot revolves around his search for love, many viewers consider him a boring and narcissistic character, who always put himself above others. His need for attention and his constant search for love make him a monotonous and frustrating character, which contrasts with the freshness and humor of Barney, Lily and Marshall.
Some see him as an archetype of the 'nice guy' who has no qualms about hurting women on his way to loving happiness. Instead of being the romantic hero, Ted Mosby becomes the villain of the series.
Lori Grimes from The Walking Dead
Lori Grimes, the wife of Rick Grimes, who was played by actress Sarah Wayne Callies, became one of the most hated characters in The Walking Dead series. Although at first he was an important member of the group of survivors, he was not exactly the most loved by the viewers.
Some of the reasons this happened was because Lori was constantly putting her group in danger due to her inability to accept the reality of the situation. She was also overprotective of her son, Carl, in such a way that he was not prepared for the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world in which they lived.
But that is not all. Lori also received criticism for her sexist attitude when Andrea appeared on the series. Lori didn't like Andrea holding a gun instead of cleaning dishes. Another controversial moment for Lori was when she sided with the bad guys and ended up accidentally shooting one of the characters. fan favorites, Daryl.
Her lies and her attempt to manipulate her husband ended up pissing off fans, who celebrated her death in the third season.

Arturito from The paper house
In the first season, Arturo RomΓ‘n, the head of the Casa de Moneda y Timbre, becomes one of the hostages of the robbers and proves to be a manual coward by putting his safety and his plans before others. Furthermore, his love affair with Monica made it clear that he was a self-centered manipulator who only cared about his own interest.
In the following seasons, the fans' hatred towards Arturito deepens, as the show's writers make him look like a criminal in various ways. This change in his character has been highly criticized by fans of the series, but it seems that the writers wanted to create a character that viewers would love to hate.

April Kepner from Grey's Anatomy
This has been one of the characters that generated the most controversy in the series "Grey's Anatomy" since his personality can be overwhelming for some viewers.
Over the seasons, his character develops from a timid intern to a seasoned and determined surgeon.
Her general attitude towards those around her and the inconsistency that she shows in her actions, is one of the things that makes us love April very little, since she sometimes has consequences. dire.
Some of her worst moments include leaving her boyfriend at the altar and stealing a coworker's job.

Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City
The protagonist of the series is constantly shown to be a superficial character and disconnected from reality, in addition, her luxurious lifestyle and her tumultuous relationships become unpleasant for many viewers.
Not only that, but Carrie's behavior seemed quite immature at times, as she didn't always take things seriously and acted impulsively. Despite the importance of therapy in the series, Carrie did not seem to be a big fan of it and she often resisted introspecting herself.
We cannot forget the way she treated Aidan, cheating on him and despising him on several occasions, despite the fact that he always gave his all to maintain a healthy relationship. Carrie was always very selfish with her friends and rarely cared about her personal problems. She was often the one who received the most attention and help from her friends, but she rarely returned the favor.

Viserys I Targaryen from House of the Dragon
Despite being one of the main characters in the "House of the Dragon" series, he failed to connect with the audience due to never making important decisions and letting things take care of themselves, resulting in the buildup of problems and tensions in the Targaryen court that were unnecessary.
Viserys was also too passive, allowing his right-hand man, Otto Hightower, to manipulate him and have undue influence at court. Another of the problems that his character has is that he failed to educate his sons as fair and wise leaders, on the contrary, they ended up being pampered and arrogant, which exacerbated the problems of the Targaryen dynasty.
On several occasions he seemed like he didn't know what he was doing and this led to the other characters seeing him as a weak and incapable leader.

Kendall Roy from Succession
Kendall Roy is one of the main characters in the HBO series Succession. He is the son of media mogul Logan Roy and one of the potential heirs to the family empire. Although he is a complex and well-developed character, it becomes difficult to empathize with him.
One of the main reasons that makes us hate this character is the way he tries to manipulate everyone to achieve his goals, to such an extent that he betrays his family on multiple occasions without seeming to care even a little.
He also constantly shows little empathy towards his siblings, especially Roman, whom he often publicly criticizes and humiliates. Throughout the series he fails to demonstrate real talents that justify him becoming the heir to the Roy empire.
But that's not the worst thing about him, since he becomes quite macho and toxic with his ex-wife and never shows that he cares about his own children. He is undoubtedly a character that we would not want as a friend.
