Have you ever come across people who seem to live in their own world, where everything revolves around them and their insatiable ego? Don't worry, you're not alone. On this occasion we will talk about narcissism and we will discover the most common phrases that people with these characteristics usually say.
But don't worry, because we will also learn how to deal with them effectively. So sit back, relax, and get ready to unravel the secrets behind narcissism.
Narcissism, in a nutshell, is a personality disorder characterized by excessive self-esteem, an insatiable thirst for attention, and a strong>lack of empathy towards others. Narcissistic people tend to have an exaggeratedly inflated view of themselves and consider themselves special and superior to the rest.

Dealing with narcissistic people can be quite a challenge, but we will try to give you the necessary tools to do it effectively. Maintaining clear and assertive communication, setting healthy boundaries, and focusing on your personal growth are key tools in this battle. If you find yourself in a relationship or situation where a narcissist is seriously affecting your emotional well-being, do not hesitate to seek the support of a mental health professional. They will provide you with the necessary guidance and teach you more specific tools to deal with this complicated dynamic.
But what exactly are these self-assured people saying? Let's dive into some of the common phrases narcissists use and find out how we can deal with them.
"I don't want this to be about me, but..."
The narcissist begins her sentence by trying to divert attention from himself, but in the end, he always manages to make it about him. In this case, the best strategy is to keep the focus on the main topic of the conversation and not allow it to drift towards his ego. Remember that everyone deserves to be heard and keep in mind that the narcissist will seek attention again.
"I'm sorry you feel that way"
This phrase may sound like an apology, but it's actually a subtle way to minimize the feelings of others and deflect responsibility for your own actions. Rather than fall into their trap, it's important to clearly communicate your emotions and expectations. Set healthy boundaries and don't let the narcissist manipulate your feelings.
"Why are you doing this to me?"
The narcissist sees himself as the victim in any conflict situation and tends to blame others for his discomfort. Given this statement, it is crucial to remember that each person is responsible for their own actions and emotions. Don't allow the narcissist to unfairly make you feel guilty and communicate your limits and needs assertively.
"I'm a busy person. I don't have time for this"
Here, the narcissist tries to devalue your needs and priorities by emphasizing his own occupation. Instead of accepting this manipulation, he reminds himself that everyone deserves respect and consideration. Don't feel obligated to meet all of their demands, and remember that your time and energy are equally valuable.
"I hope you know who you're messing with"
This phrase is intended to instill fear and reinforce his supposed superiority. Don't be intimidated. Maintain your confidence and remember that no one has the right to control your decisions or make you feel inferior. Focus on your own growth and
"It's not fair"
The narcissist tends to feel wronged easily and uses this phrase to express his outrage when things don't go the way they want. It is important to remember that life is not always fair and that we all face challenges. Do not get carried away by their victimhood and keep a balanced perspective of the situation.
"I don't need anyone's help"
The narcissist usually have a hard time accepting help because they feel they don't need it. It is important to recognize that we all need support at certain times in our lives. Do not feel responsible for meeting all your needs and remember that it is your responsibility to seek the support you require.

"You will do it for me if you love me enough"
This phrase seeks to manipulate your emotions and test your loyalty. Don't fall into this emotional trap. Remember that love and respect should not be based on unconditional compliance with unreasonable demands. Keep your own needs and limits in mind, and clearly communicate your expectations in the relationship.
"You don't value me enough"
The narcissist constantly seeks validation and recognition, and when he doesn't get it, he tends to blame others for his lack of appreciation. It is important to remember that your own worth is not determined by the opinion of others. Don't feel obligated to satisfy their constant needs for validation, and value your own self-respect.
"I can't help it, I'm like that"
This phrase seeks to justify his self-centered behavior and his lack of consideration for others. However, it is important to remember that we all have the ability to reflect on and change our negative behaviors. Don't let this excuse be a way to evade responsibility for your actions, and set clear boundaries to protect your emotional well-being.