The film "Aladdin" (2019), directed by Guy Ritchie, is a live-action reinterpretation of the 1992 Disney animated classic. The story follows Aladdin, a young thief with a noble heart who lives on the streets of Agrabah. His life changes radically when he finds a magic lamp that houses a powerful and charismatic Genie. With his help, Aladdin tries to win the heart of the brave and determined Princess Jasmine while facing the evil plans of Jafar, the Grand Vizier who aims to use the lamp to gain absolute power.
The film mixes humor, romance, music and adventure, highlighted by new versions of iconic songs and by exploring more deeply the development of the characters, especially Jasmine, who fights for her independence and her right to rule. Will Smith as the Genie brings a modern and dynamic touch to this version of the classic tale