In a small coastal village, the peaceful life of its inhabitants is interrupted by the arrival of a mysterious nobleman who harbors a dark secret. The man, known as Sir Edward, quickly becomes the center of attention and sparks curiosity among the local women, but also arouses suspicion among the men. One of the locals, a fisherman named Tom, develops a strong aversion to Sir Edward, feeling that something is off about his behavior.
As the story unfolds, the villagers feel a strange connection to the nature and wildlife surrounding them. Sir Edward begins performing strange rituals by the seaside, which fuels rumors about his true identity. The village's dreams are plagued by the figure of the beast-man lurking in the darkness of the forest, and chaos soon ensues.
When Tom uncovers Sir Edward's secret, which is linked to the transformation of a human into a beast, a struggle ensues between truth and ignorance. Tension builds and the village must decide whether to confront their fear or let the darkness consume their home. With an ending full of shocking revelations, the story explores the moral dilemma of fighting against the known and the unknown, as the echo of howls resonates in the night. The film keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, masterfully blending horror and drama.