In a small European village, the life of young and sweet Gilda seems like a fairy tale, full of love and hope. However, her perfect existence is abruptly disrupted when her dark past catches up with her. Gilda reunites with her ex-boyfriend, a tormented artist who led her into a life of dreams and disillusionment. As the past suffocates her present, Gilda finds herself torn between love and betrayal, struggling to reconcile her feelings.
With the arrival of a mysterious stranger, the drama intensifies. This new character in their lives not only rekindles old passions but also uncovers hidden secrets that will test Gilda's loyalty and the devotion of the men who love her. In a series of unexpected twists, the story explores themes of fidelity, regret, and sacrifice, showcasing how past decisions can impact the future in ways no one expects.
With a captivating visual aesthetic typical of silent cinema, the film stands out for its emotional performances and immersive narrative. As Gilda tries to fly free like a butterfly, each choice brings her closer to a heartbreaking conclusion that will change her life forever. Will she find the freedom she longs for, or will she remain trapped in the web of her own emotions? A moving story that invites reflection on the nature of love and the weight of choices.