In a small village of imperial Russia, a group of workers faces the oppression and exploitation imposed by their masters. The story follows Alexei, a young idealist who, after losing his brother in a workplace accident, decides to join the unions. There, he meets Nadya, a brave and determined advocate for workers' rights, whose indomitable spirit inspires everyone around her. Together, they immerse themselves in a movement that seeks not only better working conditions but a radical social transformation.
As their struggle gains momentum, the group encounters resistance from local authorities, intent on maintaining the old order. Tension grows, and the workers must make difficult decisions: risk their jobs, their families, and even their lives for the cause. Caught between love and tragedy, the protagonists find themselves torn between their ideals and the harsh reality of the system, culminating in a powerful confrontation with the established power.
Along the way, friendship and loyalty are put to the test, and the divisions between those seeking change and those who prefer to conform become more evident. The film offers a heartfelt and raw look at the struggle of the oppressed and the strength that arises when the community unites for justice. In the end, it will be the sacrifice and determination of these men and women that will determine the course of their future.