In a small town by the river, life unfolds with the routine of its inhabitants, who face moral dilemmas and difficult decisions. The story follows a man with strong principles who, after a series of unfortunate events, finds himself caught in a whirlwind of guilt and redemption. It all begins when an inexplicable accident affects the life of his best friend, who is injured in a confrontation. As the protagonist grapples with the burden of not being able to prevent the tragedy, he starts to question his own sense of responsibility and the moral codes that have guided his life.
In his quest for truth, he encounters an intriguing web of rumors and distrust, where friends become enemies and loyalty is put to the test. As his actions unleash a cascade of events, the line between right and wrong blurs, revealing the complexity of human nature.
Surrounded by the oppression of his conscience and the pressure of a judgmental town, the protagonist must decide whether to flee from his guilt or confess his truth and face the consequences. With each step, the tension escalates, and the ethical dilemmas become an internal struggle that will test his character and humanity. Ultimately, the story poses a profound reflection on fate and the capacity for forgiveness, leaving the audience questioning their own morality.