In a small town where social conventions and strict morality govern daily life, a young idealist finds himself trapped between his ambition and his conscience. With a bright future on the horizon, his life takes an unexpected turn when he falls in love with a woman whose life is a whirlwind of misfortune and suffering. Burdened by the weight of his family and the expectations of his surroundings, he begins to question his own ethics and the decisions he has made thus far.
The plot complicates when he discovers a dark secret surrounding his beloved, related to her past and that of her family, unleashing an internal conflict that keeps him on edge. As moral dilemmas arise, the young man is forced to confront the deepest truths of his being and what it truly means to be 'good.' With each decision, the tension increases, pushing him to the brink of his endurance and facing him with the possibility of losing everything.
Set against a backdrop of intense emotions and deep reflection on morality, the story captures the essence of the human struggle between duty and desire. The period cinematography highlights the beauty and suffering of the characters, creating a powerful portrait of the internal struggle we all face, reminding us that sometimes, the voice of conscience can be stronger than any ambition. Here, in this emotional journey, every choice has a price, and love becomes the force that can save or condemn.