In a world marked by war and division, a prominent political leader from the Middle East, Hassan Bey, faces a grave internal conflict that will challenge his morality and belief in peace. As his country sinks into violence and animosity, Hassan, a remarkably charismatic man, finds himself trapped between the demands of his allies and a genuine desire to protect his people. On one side are the powerful merchants who see chaos as an opportunity to enrich themselves, and on the other, the nationalists who cry out for vengeance and justice.
As tensions rise, Hassan embarks on an introspective journey that leads him to reevaluate his principles and his role as a leader. Amid clandestine meetings with iconic figures and interactions with citizens enduring daily suffering, a spark of hope begins to grow within him. With hearts and minds at stake, Hassan must decide whether to take the easy route of violence or to fight for a path towards reconciliation, confronting the imminent war that threatens to destroy everything.
The film is a powerful portrayal of the struggle for personal integrity in times of crisis, addressing the moral dilemmas that arise amid unrest and confrontation. Hassan's ethical compass thus becomes the core of a narrative that invites reflection on the role of leadership in difficult times.