In a small and picturesque rural village, a group of young people prepares to celebrate a grand local festival that brings together all the inhabitants. Amid laughter, music, and dancing, the young Mary, a hopeless dreamer, longs to find true love. Although her family pressures her to marry the promising local farmer, she feels her heart beating for a daring and charming outsider who arrived in the village during the festival.
The outsider, a bohemian artist who has traveled to various places, is fascinated by rural life and by Mary’s uniqueness. As they get to know each other, they will share moments full of laughter and complicity, but they will also face the community's skepticism, which does not look kindly upon their unconventional relationship. Mary’s parents, especially her mother, are determined to pair her up with the farmer, who, in turn, tries to prove his worth and win the young woman’s heart.
Set against a backdrop of beautiful landscapes and a strong sense of community that runs through the story, the plot unfolds with misunderstandings, confessions, and twists of fate. As the festival progresses, love will be put to the test, and Mary must decide which path to take: follow tradition or open herself to an unexpected romance that could change her life forever. The story explores the struggle between duty and desire, leaving the audience with a mix of excitement and nostalgia for authentic love.