In a small village, life goes on peacefully until a dark secret emerges from the past. The story follows a group of inhabitants who, after a series of mysterious events, find themselves caught in a web of superstitions and baseless fears. When the young Eliza, known for her independent and rebellious nature, begins to have visions and strange connections with forces from beyond, rumors about her supposed witchcraft spread like wildfire.
The villagers, influenced by panic and ignorance, form a council that decides to judge Eliza, accusing her of being the cause of misfortunes and tragedies that have befallen the community. Amidst the growing hysteria, friends and family are forced to take sides, dividing between those who support Eliza and those who call for her condemnation.
With her life at stake, Eliza faces the hypocrisy and the judgments that arise from fearful hearts. As the situation intensifies, the line between truth and lies becomes blurred, testing the loyalty and morality of each character.
In a dramatic climax, internal and external conflicts explode, revealing the true motivations of those who pursue justice. This captivating story explores the limits of fear and the consequences of turning a blind eye to the unknown, leaving the audience questioning their own perceptions of reality and truth.