In a small town, a renowned doctor faces a moral dilemma when a new treatment arrives that promises to cure mental illnesses, but at a high cost. With a mix of hope and skepticism, the professional decides to try the treatment on a patient with a tragic past: a young woman who has been confined for years due to her erratic behavior. As the doctor delves into the girl's story, he begins to uncover family secrets, hidden traumas, and the complex neurochemistry of the human mind.
Despite his doubts, the treatment seems to work and the young woman starts to regain her sanity and vitality. However, as her rehabilitation progresses, the doctor realizes that the process affects not only his patient but also his own life. Friendships are put to the test and ethical conflicts arise, as the doctor grapples with what is right and what is necessary. The relationship between them becomes symbiotic: she delves into a world of sensations and emotions she had forgotten, while he confronts his own demons, questioning his role as a healer in a system that may not have magical answers.
The film raises unsettling questions about the limits of medicine and the true meaning of "cure," challenging notions of normalcy and the profound impact of trauma on people's lives.