In a small town, a handsome young man, known for his incredible poker skills, finds himself trapped in an emotional dilemma. His passion for cards has led him to neglect his personal life, and his girlfriend, a charming young woman from the neighborhood, begins to feel frustrated by his obsession. One night, after losing a crucial game, he decides that he needs a radical change in his life.
Inspired by the desire to reconnect with his girlfriend, the protagonist signs up for a rehabilitation program for "pokeritis," where participants must confront their demons and learn to manage their gambling addiction. In this comedic journey, he encounters eccentric characters who also struggle with their own gambling-related issues. From an old provocateur who cannot resist a hand to a young man who has wagered his fortune and desperately needs a break, each of them brings their own twist to the plot.
As the young man faces the challenges of the program, he begins to realize what truly matters in life: friendship, love, and genuine human connections. Through hilarious situations and reflective moments, his journey towards personal growth leads him to understand that, perhaps, life outside of cards is the true prize he has been seeking all along. Packed with laughter and valuable lessons, this story is a reminder that sometimes, the best game is the one not played.