In a quiet European village, a group of young people gathers to celebrate the end of summer with a party filled with music and dance. The community's happiness is interrupted when a mysterious outsider, marked by a tragic past, arrives in the village. With his arrival, the villagers' darkest and most primitive instincts emerge, triggering a series of events that will change their lives forever.
The outsider, charismatic and seductive, enchants the village women, especially the young and accessible Helena, who is drawn to his bold way of living. However, the revelry soon turns into chaos as the stranger's influence awakens decay and desire, igniting a conflict between moral duty and personal freedom.
As the party progresses, tensions escalate, and the villagers' hidden secrets come to light. The atmosphere becomes festive yet deadly, as the characters are drawn into a spiral of misfortune and desperation. Ancient traditions and reason fade in the face of the power of unbridled pleasure, and what began as a celebration transforms into an ancestral sacrifice where death lurks in every corner. In the end, faced with their own demons, the villagers must confront the consequences of succumbing to the darkness that resides in their hearts.