In a world where loyalty and betrayal intertwine, a group of women, united by a dark past, embarks on a dangerous mission that will test not only their strength but also their friendship. After years of suffering and exploitation in the criminal underworld, an escape plan is born upon discovering that one of the main mafia bosses is about to make a move that could unleash a wave of violence in their neighborhood.
The story follows Maya, a former professional cyclist whose life fell apart after a tragic accident; Lina, a single mother struggling to keep her daughter safe; and Sam, a brilliant hacker with unconventional skills. Together, they decide to strike back at their oppressors and, in doing so, reclaim their lives. But along the way, they face unexpected challenges, from betrayals within their own group to a subtle power play in which none of them are really who they appear to be.
As the tension mounts and their pasts begin to resurface, the women must find a way to stay united against an enemy that wants to destroy them. The film offers a blend of action, intrigue, and character development, exploring what it means to be a survivor in a world that has turned its back on them. The struggle for their freedom soon transforms into a journey of redemption and the true strength of the female spirit.