In a small town in Maine, the quiet day-to-day life of a man begins to transform inexplicably as he starts losing weight for no apparent reason, leading him to discover an unusual power: the ability to levitate. As he tries to understand this phenomenon, he encounters his new neighbor, a woman who has gone through personal trauma and is also struggling to find her place in the community. The relationship between them starts to blossom, marked by the contrast of their lives and their respective struggles.
However, as their connection deepens, tensions in the town rise, revealing old prejudices and the lack of acceptance that persists within the community. The story unfolds in an environment where magic and reality collide, allowing the characters to see beyond appearances. With each levitation, our protagonist not only defies gravity but also the social norms surrounding him, becoming a symbol of hope and change.
Through laughter, tears, and moments of reflection, the plot explores themes of acceptance, love, and the fight against hatred. As the two protagonists grapple with their own demons and the town's intervention, they will learn that sometimes, rising above adversities is the first step toward true freedom. With unexpected twists and a heartfelt message, this film reminds us that love has the power to transform even the most complex realities.