In a small European village at the beginning of the 20th century, the life of a family is shaken by the promise of a better future in a distant land. With hopes of escaping poverty and finding opportunities, a patriarch makes the difficult decision to emigrate to America with his wife and their two children. The family, filled with dreams and anxieties, embarks on a journey full of uncertainties and challenges.
As they sail across the vast ocean, they face unexpected problems: a lack of money, illnesses, and the sorrow of leaving their home behind. Through flashbacks, the happy moments of their life in Europe are shown, contrasting sharply with the harsh realities they must confront along the way. The mother, a bearer of hope, tries to keep the family together as they deal with the distrustful gazes of other immigrants and the dangers of the journey.
Finally, upon reaching the American shore, the family confronts the brutality of the immigration process, where they are interrogated and subjected to draining procedures. However, their indomitable spirit and desire for a bright future propel them to persevere. As they navigate this new world, they discover the importance of community and resilience, remembering that, although their journey has been tough, together they can face any challenge that comes their way.