In a world that is beginning to awaken from the Great War, a young journalist finds himself at the peak of his career, eager to delve into the depths of the mind of one of the most iconic authors of his time, David Foster Wallace. Caught between idolization and the reality of the writer's life, the journalist embarks on a conversation that goes beyond the surface of literary fame. As they travel through cities on a promotional tour, their discussions evolve into an introspective journey that reveals not only Wallace's insecurities but also those of the journalist himself.
As the days of interviews and reflections unfold, the conversations become a dance between admiration and vulnerability. Amidst laughter and profound moments, the protagonists explore themes of modern life, success, loneliness, and the constant search for meaning. Each stop on their route presents an opportunity to reflect on their own anxieties and decisions, prompting the viewer to question what it truly means to attain recognition.
Through intimate cinematography, the story captures the essence of two lives at a critical juncture; an author at the height of his career and a journalist in search of his voice. As the last city fades into the distance and the tour comes to an end, the transformative journey leaves an indelible mark on both, leading them to confront what it really means to understand oneself in a world that never stops.