In a world marked by chaos and despair, a Danish community in a small coastal town faces the threat of an imminent catastrophe. The plot revolves around a group of friends who, realizing that their existence is being threatened by supernatural forces and the arrival of a mysterious fog, decide to join forces to combat evil. As the atmosphere grows increasingly tense, the bonds between them are put to the test, revealing secrets, fears, and hopes.
The protagonist, a young idealist, finds himself in the midst of a moral dilemma when his beloved, trapped by the fog, becomes one of the victims of the dark power looming over them. Alongside his best friend, a pragmatic skeptic, they must find a way to undo the curse that threatens to consume their home. Through heart-wrenching encounters and moments of bravery, friendship and love become the driving forces that propel them into the fight.
As the town plunges into panic and paranoia, hope begins to fade. The film explores profound themes such as sacrifice, redemption, and humanity's struggle against the unknown. Thus, in this unsettling story, it is revealed that true calamity is not always external, but can arise from the depths of the human heart.