In a quiet, picturesque town, an ordinary-looking man named Henry leads a life of constant tension. The reason for his suffering is his domineering wife, who seems to have taken complete control of his existence. With a strong personality and a sharp tongue, she has no qualms about making Henry feel small and undervalued, leading to comical and desperate situations in his daily life.
Henry, trapped in a home routine that fails to satisfy him, begins to fantasize about a life of freedom and adventure. However, his dreams are constantly thwarted by the strict rules set by his wife. When his free-spirited best friend, a young man brimming with energy, enters the scene, he offers Henry the chance to break out of his shell and rediscover a part of himself that he had long forgotten. Together, they plan little mischiefs that often lead to disastrous results, placing Henry in increasingly absurd situations.
As the scenes unfold, the hilarity escalates, and Henry starts to question whether it's worth staying in a relationship that robs him of his happiness. The film blends comedy with a reflection on a man's struggle for autonomy, while providing us with heartwarming moments. This journey of self-discovery culminates in a revelation that will forever change the dynamic of their relationship, leaving the audience laughing and pondering at the same time.