In an elegant London mansion, a young boy named Philippe witnesses his world teeter when his beloved idol, butler Baines, becomes the center of a scandal. Philippe, who has always lived in the shadow of his strict father, has found in Baines a father figure he idolizes. However, the relationship between Baines and his wife is tense, marked by unhappiness and jealousy. One day, Baines is involved in a tragic incident that changes everything when a man is found dead after a confrontation between the butler and an old friend. Philippe, naΓ―ve and loyal, decides to protect his friend instead of telling the truth, triggering a whirlwind of events that calls his own innocence into question.
As the story progresses, Philippe's moral dilemmas clash with the unyielding reality of the adults around him. He becomes immersed in a dangerous game of loyalty and secrecy, where his devotion to Baines could lead him to lose everything he cares about. Filled with unexpected twists, the plot explores betrayal, the loss of innocence, and the quest for truth in a world where idols can fall. Anguish and tension build up, and Philippe must decide if blind loyalty is worth it, as the collapse of his childhood world looms ever closer.