In a quiet village, the life of a young woman named Helen is interrupted by an unexpected fate. Since she was little, she has felt a special connection with nature and a deep desire to escape her monotonous environment, but fate has other plans. The story takes a turn when she meets a mysterious outsider, who is also an artist in search of inspiration. Their encounter is electrifying; both are drawn to the aura of mystery that surrounds them.
As Helen immerses herself in a world of art and possibilities, tensions between her family and the outsider begin to rise. Her father, a man of deep-rooted traditions, disapproves of the relationship and decides to intervene, taking drastic measures that will lead the young woman to question what she truly wants in life. The line between love and duty blurs, and Helen faces an internal struggle between following her heart or fulfilling family expectations.
With a narrative that explores the conflict between desire and duty, the story unfolds amidst captivating landscapes and an atmosphere of melancholy. As Helenβs decisions become more complex, a series of events is set in motion that will change the course of her life forever, challenging not only her concept of love but also her understanding of what destiny truly means. A work that invites reflection on the choices that shape our path.