In a remote village in Australia, a group of immigrants faces the harsh reality of life in the desert. The story follows a young man named Henry, who arrives seeking a better life but finds himself trapped in an oppressive system that forces him to work in a gold mine. Exploitation and the struggle for survival are part of everyday life, and hope feels like a distant luxury.
When Henry discovers an ancient artifact deep within the mine, he unleashes a series of events that confront him with his own inner demons and the greed of those around him. As conflicts between the workers and the mine owners escalate, Henry becomes an unexpected leader, uniting the workers in their fight for rights and dignity. Desperation clashes with determination, and the atmosphere becomes tense, filled with betrayals and unexpected alliances.
Amidst this chaos, Henry must also navigate his own emotions, as his relationship with a local woman is threatened by the violence and betrayal surrounding him. Facing a difficult decision between loyalty to his comrades and his desire to find a brighter future, his journey becomes a moving portrayal of human struggle in dark times. The film culminates in an explosive confrontation, where courage and solidarity may be the only salvation in a world where betrayal lurks around every corner.