In an era where social conventions prevail, a young aspiring actress embarks on an exciting journey into the world of show business, but not without complications. Filled with dreams and a desire to succeed, she becomes the protégé of an experienced chaperone who, although somewhat rigid, has her own glamorous and disillusioned past. Together, they travel to a big city to participate in a famous talent competition, where the promises and dangers of the entertainment world intertwine.
As the young woman attempts to impress critics and find her voice, the chaperone struggles with her own feelings of nostalgia and the weight of the decisions that led her to become a guardian of other women. Amidst rehearsals, blossoming friendships, and emerging rivalries, both discover that life on stage is not as easy as it seems. Tension mounts when an unexpected suitor interferes with their plans, forcing the chaperone to confront her forgotten fears and desires.
As the big day of the competition approaches, the two women must learn to support each other, challenge expectations, and cope with the changes that success and failure can bring. In a journey filled with laughter, tears, and surprises, they will find not only themselves but also the true essence of what it means to be a woman in a dominant world.