In a small and bustling village, the life of a farming family is transformed by the arrival of a mysterious traveler. This enigmatic man, with an adventurous spirit and an air of wisdom, appears at the door of the humble farmhouse, bringing with him stories of life in the city and an extraordinary object: an exquisite golden plate. The dazzling, shining piece becomes the center of attention and desire not only for the family but also for the villagers.
As the fame of the plate spreads, the dynamics of the quiet village begin to waver. The family will embark on a series of events filled with envy and greed, where laughter and happiness are often overshadowed by avarice. The story follows the emotional journey of the protagonists as they grapple with the dilemma of valuing material possessions over the essentials in life, such as love and family unity.
In a climax filled with tension, the traveler reveals a secret that could change the course of their lives. In the end, the villagers will learn that true wealth is not measured by what we own, but by the connections we forge with those around us. With a visual style characteristic of the time and a deep message, the plot merges human drama with touches of comedy, leaving its audience reflecting on the nature of desire and fulfillment.