In an ancient Jewish community in Prague, the tension between the inhabitants and their oppressors grows with each passing day. The story follows a wise rabbi who, in a desperate attempt to protect his people from persecution, decides to use his mystical and hidden knowledge to create a creature out of clay. This humanoid beast, infused with life through a magical ritual, is named the Golem.
At first, the creature becomes a formidable protector, facing enemies with supernatural strength and saving the community from imminent dangers. However, as the story progresses, the Golem begins to overflow beyond its creator's control. The energy that was supposed to be used for good soon turns into unleashed chaos: the creature starts acting on its own, wreaking havoc and sowing fear among those who once saw it as a savior.
Caught between its role as protector and its destructive instincts, the Golem becomes a reflection of the rabbi's internal tensions, who must deal with the consequences of his actions. As the situation becomes unsustainable, the community faces a fundamental question: can power and defense be justified if the cost is one's own humanity? The story culminates in a passionate conflict that leads everyone to rethink the nature of good and evil in a world filled with shadows.