In a small and peaceful village, life unfolds with an atmosphere of routine and conformity, until a tragic incident tears apart the apparent calm. The story follows a widower who, consumed by deep sadness after the death of his wife, finds himself trapped in a never-ending cycle of mourning. As days turn into weeks, his emotional and physical isolation intensifies, distancing him from his friends and family, allowing grief to consume him.
In the midst of his suffering, the protagonist begins to dream of past moments, reliving the sweet memories of their relationship, as well as the small details that used to bring joy to his life. However, the pain intertwines with touches of the supernatural, as he begins to believe he sees his wife in the places they used to go together. Caught between the longing to be with her again and the need to move on, he faces the dilemma of clinging to her memory or letting it drive him to rebuild his life.
With a poetic visual style and an emotionally raw approach, the narrative invites reflection on the nature of love, grief, and the importance of healing. As the story unfolds, the protagonist discovers that, although the pain of loss never completely fades, the path to acceptance is paved with moments of beauty and reconciliation.