Directed by Mel Gibson, this is a powerful story based on true events that will leave you with your heart in your mouth. The film follows Desmond Doss, a young military doctor and devout Seventh-day Adventist, masterfully played by Andrew Garfield, who becomes an unexpected hero during World War II.
What makes this story unique is that Doss, out of religious conviction, refuses to carry weapons. In an army where violence and weapons are the norm, this decision makes him the target of ridicule and rejection, both from his superiors and his colleagues. However, his firmness and bravery lead him to face hell in the Battle of Okinawa, one of the bloodiest of the conflict.
Despite being surrounded by chaos and death, Doss becomes a symbol of hope, risking his life again and again to save more than 75 wounded soldiers, all without firing a single bullet. With brutal and moving scenes, Hacksaw Ridge is not only a tribute to courage and faith, but also a reflection on the strength of convictions in the midst of adversity.