In a small town in the United States during the Roaring Twenties, a young woman named Clara Sue, an idealist filled with dreams and visions of true love, feels trapped in a monotonous life and in a society that dictates the norms of how marriage should be. Clara works at a high-fashion boutique, where her talent for fashion shines, but she longs for something more: an adventure that takes her far from her routine.
When a charismatic bohemian artist, Jack, appears in town, her life takes an unexpected turn. His free spirit and zest for life ignite a fire within Clara, pushing her to question everything she has known. With each encounter, Clara feels closer to her dreams of a love unbounded, blessed by freedom and independence. However, the pressure from her family and society forces her to consider a conventional marriage with a wealthy suitor who only seeks to maintain appearances.
Desperate to escape the monotony and cling to her new love, Clara makes an impulsive decision: she runs away with Jack on a journey that will take them through breathtaking landscapes and unforgettable experiences. As they venture into a world full of possibilities, Clara will have to face the consequences of her choices and, in the end, discover what love truly means in a constantly changing era.