In a small town, the peaceful life of a young woman is interrupted when her brother returns from the city with grand ambitions. The family, modest but united, faces new dynamics as he brings not only his dreams of success but also a mysterious lover who challenges the perception of life and relationships that everyone has known.
The sister, a girl with a pure heart and simple dreams, feels her world crumbling as she tries to maintain harmony in the house. As her brother immerses himself in the dazzling world of the city, she begins to question her own place in the family and the true nature of love. The neighbor’s children, a mischievous gang that always sneaks into her life, begin to provide refuge amid the chaos. With their innocent joy, these little ones remind her of what truly matters.
As family conflicts intensify and tensions rise, the protagonist must choose between following the path seemingly laid out by her brother’s aspirations or finding her own voice in a world that appears intent on stripping away her essence. With an emotional conclusion, this story explores the vulnerability of family bonds, sacrifice, and personal growth, in a narrative that will make you laugh and cry in equal measure. Ah, family relationships… they are never simple!