In a small and picturesque village, life seems peaceful until a mysterious stranger arrives and begins to ask questions about an abandoned house at the end of the street. The locals, intrigued and somewhat bewildered, share stories about the old mansion and its last owner, an eccentric artist who was said to be possessed by a dark creativity.
As the stranger delves into the village's history, he uncovers hidden secrets and past tragedies that have marked the residents. A young woman, captivated by his curiosity, decides to accompany him on his quest. Together, they explore the house, where they find disturbing paintings and objects that seem to come to life with every step they take. They discover a worn diary that reveals the artist's struggle between genius and madness, as his visions become increasingly unsettling.
As the past and present intertwine, the young woman begins to realize that the artist's mind and his tragic story are more connected to her than she ever imagined. Tension rises as they uncover that the line between madness and inspiration is, in fact, very thin. The film culminates in an emotional climax that will not only change the young woman's life but also reveal the hidden truth of the house and its dark legacy. With a touch of psychological horror, this story explores the boundaries between art, madness, and the desire to understand the past.