Into the Woods (2014), directed by Rob Marshall, is a film adaptation of the famous musical by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine. This play weaves together classic tales such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk and Rapunzel into a unique story, exploring the desires, consequences and dark twists behind happy endings.
The film stands out for its stellar cast, led by Meryl Streep as the Witch, whose electrifying performance adds complexity to the character. Emily Blunt, Anna Kendrick, James Corden and Chris Pine also shine, bringing emotion and humor to their roles. Music is the heart of the film, with clever songs that reflect the characters' dilemmas and moments of great lyricism.
Although the film softens some dark elements of the original musical, it retains its reflective essence. Into the Woods is a visually beautiful and emotionally rich work that invites you to question the limits of "they lived happily ever after."