In a small Swedish village, a young woman named Karin lives with her mother on a modest farm, caught in the routine of rural life. Karin is a dreamer, a free spirit yearning for adventures and a world beyond the confines of her home. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she meets an enigmatic stranger who arrives in the village seeking work. This outsider awakens a torrent of emotions in her and a desire to explore life in ways she had never imagined.
As her mother tries to uphold tradition and family expectations, Karin struggles between her duties as a daughter and her personal yearnings. As her relationship with the stranger deepens, she faces constant conflicts with the conservative values of her community, testing her loyalty and courage. The story explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the search for identity in the context of the strict social norms of the time.
Karin's life becomes even more complicated when she discovers that her love could lead her to irreversible decisions that will change her life and the lives of those around her forever. In a blend of romance and drama, this story reveals the internal struggle of a woman seeking her own path in a world where expectations clash with her deepest desires. With evocative cinematography and moving performances, the film delves into the psychology of its characters, leaving a lasting impact on the viewer.