In a charming little village, a young and beautiful theater actress lives immersed in the daily routine of her work and her brave struggle to fulfill her artistic dreams. Her days are a whirlwind of rehearsals, performances, and a constant desire to shine on stage. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when a small mouse becomes her unusual companion and confidant.
When the actress learns that a prestigious theater company will be holding auditions in her town, her enthusiasm overflows. But the preparation for the audition is interrupted by the appearance of the little mouse, which, although initially seeming like a nuisance, soon becomes a source of inspiration and joy. Her interaction with the mouse highlights her vulnerability and her yearning to be understood.
As the day of the audition approaches, the relationship between the actress and the mouse deepens, revealing the importance of friendship and emotional support. Against the backdrop of a theater waiting to be illuminated by her talent, the young woman finds herself at a crossroads between reality and her dreams. With the determination to overcome her anxieties, the actress comes to understand that true courage lies not only on stage but also in the genuine connections we forge along the way. The audition day becomes an unforgettable experience, where the magic of theater and friendship intertwine in unexpected ways.