In a dystopian and arid future, where water scarcity is the norm and disputes over the last resources have become fierce, we find a community worn down by drought. The story follows a group of survivors who have organized their lives around an old well that still holds a little water. Each day, the tension among them rises, as they all know that that last drop could mean the difference between life and death.
The plot centers around Clara, a single mother facing a moral dilemma: she must decide whether to share her portion of the water with her elderly neighbor, a man who was once her rival but is now gravely ill. Amid the chaos, a mysterious stranger appears in the village, bringing rumors of a spring that could change everything, but it lies several days' journey away and is guarded by unimaginable dangers.
Driven by the desire to help, Clara decides to embark on a risky quest, taking her young son with her and facing the adversities of the desert and a rival group also searching for the spring. Along the way, unexpected alliances are forged, and secrets are revealed that will test each person's humanity. In a world where water is more valuable than life itself, decisions become the true driving force of survival.