In a small town, life goes on with its usual monotony until an eccentric dentist arrives in the city. Armed with a big smile and an endless supply of laughing gas, the dentist quickly attracts the attention of the townsfolk, who seek relief both from their dental problems and from the daily routine. However, what begins as a simple consultation turns into a series of absurd and comedic situations.
The patients, desperate to alleviate their pains, end up enjoying an unexpected ecstasy thanks to the uncontrollable laughter triggered by the gas. Each visit transforms into an unexpected party, bringing along a peculiar group of characters: a melancholic lighthouse keeper, an overprotective mother, and a petty thief looking for a dentist to hide from the law. The scenes intertwine in a whirlwind of laughter, misunderstandings, and, of course, dental issues.
However, the dentist's success does not go unnoticed, and he soon attracts the attention of the authorities, who question the safety of his innovative treatment. The battle between duty and pleasure intensifies, leading the dentist and his unusual clientele to an unexpected conclusion that will change their lives forever. As the characters face their fears and desires, humor becomes a lifeline that helps them find new meaning in their lives, leaving a mark on the heart of the town.