In a peaceful rural village, Lena is a mischievous young girl with a great love for nature and a special connection with animals. Since she was little, she has spent hours exploring the fields and playing alongside her inseparable group of geese, who seem to be her only true friends. One day, while walking through the countryside, she encounters a young outsider who is visiting, and surprisingly, he shows interest in the unique bond she shares with her geese.
As the friendship between Lena and the boy deepens, he is drawn to her free spirit and love for life. However, their harmony is interrupted when a warning about the arrival of a hunter threatens the peace of the village and the lives of her geese. Determined to protect her feathered friends, Lena embarks on a brave mission, facing both the dangers of the forest and the disapproval of adults who do not understand her connection to the animal world.
In an exciting race against time, Lena learns about responsibility, courage, and the true meaning of friendship. This heartwarming story, filled with touching moments and a message about nature and the protection of those we love, invites viewers to reflect on the connection between humans and animals, reminding us that sometimes the deepest bonds are found in the most unexpected places.