In a small town in the United States, two childhood friends, Clara and Mabel, dream of breaking free from the chains of traditional life and discovering the world. Ambitious and full of energy, they decide to form a female entertainment group that challenges the social norms of their time. Armed with their talent for music and dance, they embark on a tour across several communities, carrying with them a message of independence and strength.
As they progress on their journey, the girls encounter colorful characters: from a journalist in search of a compelling story to an enigmatic gentleman who stirs feelings they never anticipated. But not everything is fun and laughter; they also face criticism from the town's conservatives, who see their show as a threat to morality and the established order.
As the tension rises, Clara and Mabel must make difficult decisions that will test their friendship and their passion for freedom. With each performance, they uncover the power of women in a changing society and gain unexpected admirers. However, the greatest challenge will come when they have to confront their own fears and insecurities.
The film is a vibrant tribute to the struggle for equality and self-expression, with a touch of nostalgia that pays homage to the bold pioneers who dared to challenge the status quo in search of their own happiness. In their quest for freedom, the two friends discover that true strength lies in unity and the courage to be themselves.