On a remote coast of New England, an old lighthouse stands with an air of mystery and solitude. The story follows two lighthouse keepers, a wise old man and an impulsive young man, who find themselves caught in a storm both physical and emotional. With the sea enraged and the waves pounding against the rocks, the duo struggles not only to keep the lighthouse’s light shining but also for control of their own minds.
The elder, with a face marked by time, harbors secrets about the lighthouse and its dark past. His wisdom is intriguing, yet his demeanor grows increasingly strange and oppressive. Meanwhile, the young man, filled with ambition and curiosity, begins to doubt the reality around him. The pressure of the sea and madness begins to seep into their interactions, and the atmosphere becomes more tense with each passing day.
As ghostly visions and memories of the past emerge, these two men are pushed to their limits. Loneliness starts to erode their relationship, leading them into an internal struggle against the forces of nature and their own sanity. With the lighthouse as a witness, the stars seem to fall, blurring the line between reality and madness in this psychological thriller that explores the deepest fears of humanity and the eternal struggle to find light amidst the darkness.