In a small town, where routine dominates the lives of its inhabitants, a group of children decides to turn their monotonous existence around. One day, while exploring an old attic in one of their houses, they discover a mysterious object: an enchanted amulet that promises to bring good luck to its bearer. Without a second thought, the children make a pact: each one will wear the amulet for a week and share the incredible experiences it brings.
At first, everything seems to be going wonderfully. The children win in games, find hidden treasures, and make new friends easily. However, as the days go by, they realize that luck also brings unexpected challenges. The group faces rivalry from a couple of older boys in the neighborhood who feel threatened by the newfound energy of the group. Things heat up, and conflicts intensify.
In a climax filled with adventures and revelations, the children learn that true luck does not come from a magical object, but from the courage and friendship they share. They decide to confront their rivals with ingenuity and teamwork. Blended with a mix of humor and emotion, this nostalgic story highlights the innocence of childhood, the importance of unity in the face of adversity, and the magic found in human connections.