In a small and picturesque village at the heart of Spreewald, a young woman named Anna lives a quiet and simple life, deeply connected to the nature that surrounds her. Since she was a child, she has been known for her free spirit and her love for the forests and canals of her home. Everything changes when a strange traveler, a handsome merchant from a distant city, arrives in the village seeking new horizons and opportunities. Anna's curiosity is instantly awakened, and she feels an irresistible attraction toward him, prompting her to venture outside her comfort zone.
But life in the village is not so simple. The traditions and expectations of the community begin to weigh on her decisions. Anna's mother, a guardian of ancient customs, opposes the relationship and fears that her daughter will stray from her simple life, while the villagers whisper about the dangers of falling in love with a foreigner. As Anna and the merchant grow closer, their love is tested by social pressure and the hidden secrets they both carry.
Amidst dreamlike landscapes and moments of deep connection, Anna faces the decision to follow her heart or remain in the comfortable refuge of her home. The film explores the struggle between personal desire and social expectations, enveloping the viewer in an atmosphere of romance and dramatic tension.