In an idyllic garden filled with roses, the lives of two young lovers intertwine, their connection blossoming despite the adversities. The story centers on Clara, a young dreamer with a passion for painting and a heart full of romantic fantasies. As she tries to capture the beauty of her surroundings on canvas, she crosses paths with Henry, a young gardener working at the mansion of a wealthy family. Their love is instantaneous, but it will not be easy, as Clara is engaged to a high-society man who does not truly love her.
As their relationship develops, Clara and Henry uncover secrets and hidden passions in the fields of roses, where the petals become silent witnesses to their clandestine meetings. However, the arrival of her fiancΓ©, a possessive and controlling man, threatens to shatter the bubble of happiness they have created.
Against the backdrop of a fading summer, the two young lovers must fight for what they truly want, confronting social norms and family expectations. Through unexpected twists and moments of tenderness, the couple will discover that true love can blossom even in the most barren ground, all while time runs out to capture their happiness before the roses wilt. At a crossroads between duty and desire, Clara must make a decision that will change their lives forever.