In a quiet Japanese village, where tradition and modernity gently collide, a young woman named Matsuko dreams of a true love that transcends social limitations. Orphaned since childhood and raised by her grandmother, Matsuko is known for her beauty and her deep connection with nature, especially with chrysanthemums, flowers that her mother lovingly cultivated. One day, while picking flowers in the garden, she encounters Hiroshi, a handsome young man who turns out to be the son of a wealthy merchant. The chemistry between them is instantaneous, but their love faces the bitter opposition of their families, who have woven plans based on status and wealth.
As Matsuko tries to find her place in a world that seems determined to keep them apart, dark secrets about their families' pasts begin to emerge, further complicating their romance. Through moments of tenderness and heartbreaking confrontations, the two young lovers must fight not only against social expectations but also against their own fears and insecurities. The film’s focus on the ephemeral beauty of chrysanthemums becomes a powerful symbol of their love: precious, fragile, and destined to confront the changing seasons of life.
With evocative visual style and poetic storytelling, the story captures the essence of a love that, though challenging, blooms in the most unexpected places, reminding us that sometimes what matters most is to follow the whispers of the heart.