In a small and forgotten coastal village, life goes on as usual until a mysterious stranded ship begins to pique the curiosity of its inhabitants. A young fisherman named Tomás, known for his adventurous spirit, feels drawn to the wreck and decides to investigate its history. As he delves into the ship's past, he uncovers that it belonged to an expedition that disappeared years ago, taking with it a group of explorers who never returned.
Driven by the legend of a lost treasure, Tomás gathers a group of friends, and they embark on a dangerous quest. However, what begins as an exciting adventure soon turns into a struggle for survival when they unleash an ancient curse that lurks from the depths. As the mysteries of the ship and its crew are revealed, Tomás and his friends confront their worst fears, both supernatural and personal.
The sea becomes an unrelenting adversary, forcing the young people to question their bravery and loyalty. Amid betrayals and shocking revelations, the search for treasure transforms into a journey of self-discovery. The dangers of the ocean and the revelation of family secrets test their bonds like never before. With a dramatic and unexpected conclusion, Tomás faces a truth that will change his life forever, leaving the mystery of the ship as an echo in the sea.