Maleficent is a captivating retelling of Sleeping Beauty, telling the story from the perspective of its iconic villain. Maleficent (Angelina Jolie) is a powerful fairy who lives in harmony in the magical kingdom of the Moors, until an unexpected betrayal by her childhood friend Stefan (Sharlto Copley) transforms her into a vengeful figure.
Filled with rage, Maleficent places a curse on newborn Aurora, daughter of now-King Stefan, condemning her to eternal sleep upon her 16th birthday. However, as she watches the child grow, Maleficent begins to question her actions and develops an unexpected bond with Aurora (Elle Fanning).
With nuanced storytelling and stunning visuals, Maleficent explores themes of redemption, true love and the complexities of good and evil, showing that there is more than one side to every story.