In a mysterious coastal town, a young woman named Clara arrives to spend the summer with her family. From the very first moment, she feels a strange connection to the mansion that looms atop a cliff, a place shrouded in rumors and shadows. Its inhabitants, a group of eccentric characters, seem to be trapped in a cycle of melancholy and secrets, with every corner of the house whispering tales of lost loves and forgotten tragedies.
As Clara begins to uncover the subtle and dark ties that bind the family, she encounters images of an impossible love that still lingers within the walls of the mansion. This connection leads her to explore her own family history, confronting the tragic figure of her mother, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances years ago. In her quest for the truth, Clara becomes the key to unraveling a past filled with jealousy, betrayal, and above all, a love that cannot die.
As the atmosphere grows increasingly oppressive, the young woman finds herself ensnared in a web of intrigue that forces her to question her own identity and destiny. With cinematography that captures the sea mist and the dark corners of the mansion, this story is an emotional journey that challenges the duality between love and sacrifice, all within a setting that seems alive, as if the house itself breathes in rhythm with the emotions of its inhabitants.