In a charming British village in the early 20th century, an unexpected romance unfolds between a young woman named May and an older man who captivates her with his wisdom and experience. May is a free spirit, full of dreams and yearnings for adventures beyond her monotonous surroundings. One day, while taking a walk in the countryside, she encounters a retired poet, a man who has seen the world and lived through its highs and lows.
Fate brings them together in a chance meeting that soon blossoms into a deep emotional bond. As they get to know each other, May finds herself fascinated by the poet’s life stories and his bohemian past, while he sees in her the essence of youth and vitality he thought he had lost. However, their love faces disapproval from society and criticism from their close circles, who cannot understand how a young woman can fall in love with a man so much older.
As the seasons change, so does their relationship. They will be compelled to confront their own desires, fears, and the expectations imposed by a conservative society. With a poetic and emotional tone, the narrative invites us to reflect on true love and the limits that society imposes on age differences. Through the beauty of the natural landscape and evocative cinematography, a unique love story unfolds that challenges norms and celebrates the genuine connection between two souls.