In a remote village in Sweden, the inhabitants become embroiled in a series of strange and supernatural events following the arrival of a mysterious cloaked figure. This enigmatic character seems to have a dark connection to an ancient monastery that, according to local legend, harbors unconfessable secrets and a history of betrayal that has endured for centuries.
The plot follows Anna, a young woman from the village, who is drawn to the mysteries surrounding the monastery and its history. Driven by a desire to uncover the truth about her family, she ventures into the shadows of the ancient structure, where echoes of a tragic past linger. As Anna delves deeper into her investigation, she begins to experience disturbing visions and encounters with tormented souls that are somehow linked to the fate of the monastery.
While the village is divided between those who wish to unearth the secrets and those who prefer to leave the past undisturbed, Anna must decide whether to risk everything to free the trapped souls or if it is better to let time handle the ghosts of the past. With a touch of gothic horror and a dense atmosphere that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, the story is a journey where confronting the past becomes a catharsis, revealing that not all truths are easy to accept and that some shadows should never see the light again.