In a small town in Utah, a group of Mormons lives in harmony, following their faith with devotion and love. However, everything changes when a young outsider arrives in the community. His skeptical gaze and liberal ideas quickly stir up unrest among the inhabitants, who must confront their own beliefs and prejudices.
The protagonist, a fervent Mormon named Nels, feels deeply threatened by the arrival of this stranger. As the plot develops, we discover that the outsider, whose name is Tom, is not only an apostate in search of answers but also carries a secret that could change Nels' life forever. With the pressure of his community weighing on him, Nels finds himself caught between loyalty to his faith and his growing fascination with Tom's ideas.
Tension reaches its peak when the community begins to divide between those who support Tom and those who see him as a threat. Nels' moral dilemma leads him to question not only his place in the community but also his identity and his faith. As the story unfolds, hidden truths are revealed, and the complexities of religion, love, and acceptance are explored. In an emotional climax, Nels must make a decision that will change the course of his life and the fate of his community forever.