In a remote Japanese village, a young poet embarks on a spiritual and emotional journey that will lead him to discover his identity, his loves, and the ephemeral nature of life. The story begins when, after the death of a beloved mentor, our protagonist decides to leave his home and travel the country, seeking inspiration for his craft and answers to his inner questions.
As he navigates narrow and challenging paths, he encounters a series of memorable characters: a beautiful woman who captivates him with her beauty, a warrior in search of redemption, and an elderly wise man who shares lessons about life and death. Each encounter offers him a new perspective on love, sacrifice, and the true meaning of happiness.
The carefully crafted cinematography captures the serene beauty of the Japanese landscapes, while the seasons change throughout his journey, symbolizing the transitory nature of existence. Through moments of solitude and reflection, the young man learns that life is a balance between pain and joy, and that each season brings its own beauty and sorrow.
At the climax, our poet must make a crucial decision that will define his future: to follow his heart toward true love or to dedicate himself entirely to his art. With a torn soul and a heart full of hope, he faces his destiny, leaving an indelible mark on his life and his work.